Thursday 9 February 2012

Big knitting means big needles...

Being left handed I have always struggled to learn to knit. My mum even tried to teach me using a mirror once but I could never quite get the hang of it. That was until a recent trip to Kirkharle Courtyard in Northumberland, where an interesting lesson by Ingrid Wagner gave me all the help i needed. What was the solution to my problems?....massive needles!! In a small upstairs studio, with wool spread all over the floor, Ingrid sells large wooden needles and inch thick yard, made from the otherwise discarded selvedge of industrial wool. This is used to create beautiful chunky throws, cushions and even cosy slippers. Ingrid has appeared on This Morning with Phil and Holly where she used 4 metre needles to break a Guiness World Record. She offers tutorials, or you can buy a big knit kit on her website at I'm planning on giving this a try, so I will keep you posted on my progress.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Birthday card...

This is a birthday card which I have made for my Gran. It is made from old scraps of material and wallpaper. I hope she likes it!